Our task is to support children's openness and creativity, to build courage, to help them find the key to their own resources and to find benefits in teamwork.
We are an ambassador for a healthy lifestyle. We reach for healthy, high quality food from proven ecological sources.
We prepare diets for allergy sufferers: milk-free, gluten-free, vegetarian and other.
Every child wants to feel that their needs are understood and accepted. Drawing boundaries does not require a system of penalties and rewards.
We build habits of everyday physical activity including parents and grandparents in our activities. Dance, acrobatics, football, swimming pool - loved by girls and boys.
Childhood is the best time to learn a language. Young children are perfect because the second language is fun for them.
While staying in illuminated, spacious and equipped rooms, we introduce order conducive to the harmonious development of children.
We do not know what the world of the future will look like, one thing is certain – it will be a world of constant change.
It is important to raise our children so that they are not afraid of challenges, ask questions and are interested in answers. And, at the same time are simply a good person.
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